Thursday, July 16, 2009

Missing Bangalore

Why do I feel so claustrophobic in here???
Feeling dull for the last three days - Since I started out in Chennai?
Coming out of my ODC in Bangalore, I would feel the sun, the winds. Felt connected to nature.
Here I never get to see sunlight except for the early morning sun which drags me out of bed.

The lovely long coffee beaks we used to have - airy space - wonderful team
The eerie and smelly pantry here!

The aimless weekends;
The useless shopping;
The all girls late night trips;
The railway station, I used to visit oft;
Trips to the Bajji shop;
The forum;
Long tea breaks with great company.. discussing everything under the sun..
The early morning walks with the cool breeze ruffling my hair;
Sweatshirts during the winters;
The cold floor;
Walking back home to friends;
Fighting for trivial things -What to cook?? who to cook?
The late night discussions in the dark looking at the ceilings - the philosophies of life.
The washing of the heap of the week on Saturdays;
No breakfast days and an average lunch turning out to be fantastic to the starved us;
Occasional visits to the temple.. especially the Ragigudda;
The CCD and Barista trips for no reason.
Weekend evenings with ginger tea and chocolate cake;
My pencil sketching time;
A lazy Saturday alone at home - sleep, a novel, cloudy cold weather, hot tea and an useless
Trips to commercial street and Brand factory promising to buy nothing, promise broken
diligently every time!

Its just flowing ....I would never stop..

Missing Bangalore so much!
Missing people I love!


Goofy said...

Come home! A visit to the beach, a long walk, some coffee from Barista, non-stop chatter, a little peace and quiet at the Universal Temple - all this and more!

Dreamer said...

Oh Radhi, I would love too..
In fact the first thing that ignited me when I hrd abt the chennai transfer was an abode with you!
But let not situations dampen the spirits! - Vow to meet to every possible time in the next few months I have here.. Start with night stay next week.. what say?