Sunday, May 25, 2008

Friendship and Love

These are two words that would make a lot of differences to anybodies life.. in fact it is life!
To love and to be loved... is the best thing in life and that is what differentiates humans from other life forms.

The relationship between parents and kids is something that I awe about and treasure. Unconditional love .. with no expectations at all, is only from parents to kid. They would do anything for their kids ..their life revolves around their children and they think about nothing else. This could be pretty injurious to kids unless shown in the appropriate manner. which most parents are clear about .. at least mine are :) Parents show the right path, but never force us in the same and allow us to make our decisions on our own. They are supportive but let us learn things the way they should be. They advice and keep reminding us what are responsibilities and duties are but never do they demand. They always put our dreams and aspirations before theirs. What a selfless love.. This can be only from parents.

Friends..the word brings smile to my lips. They are the essence of life. You reach one point of time in life where you cannot burden your parents with all your insecurities and moods; c'mon it means you have grown up now and you are supposed to do, what they have been doing all their life : its our turn to support them morally and financially. But then nobody is ever grown up completely and we do sometimes look around for emotional support... and where else but to friends. One should be really lucky to have a dependable set of good friends or even a single person to whom you can look toward unconditionally for support. It is not just about consoling : anybody can give you sympathy.... but about discussing the issue and looking at tackling the problem as it were theirs. I am blessed with this.

There goes a story like this : A father and son were walking across the bridge without a railing over a overflowing river gushing down ferociously. The dad asked the son to be careful and hold his hands. But the son asked the dad to hold his hands. The father was baffled and questioned the kid on what difference it makes whether he holds the kid's hand or the kid does. the son explained that if I hold your hand i might lose the grip..but if you hold my hand I'm sure that you will not lose me!. What a stunning lesson (Courtesy Frozen Thoughts).. If you love someone you hold on to them and do not expect them to hold on to you. That is love that is life according to me.

Monday, May 19, 2008

20 Something.??

Life is at its best at ones childhood! The greatest deadline would be that one has to assemble in the palyground at sharp four; the hardest thing to do would be the slush down the glass of milk your mom forces upon you down the sink; the greatest disappointment would be to find the ball you very much wanted during shopping yesterday so vehemently oppposed by your dad under your worst enemies foot... But as one would slowly realise growing up is inevitable an you end up in high school. People who pass by you on the roads: who rarely know you stop by to reminding themselves (or you) that you are in your crucial stage in life and this exam is going to "make or break your life": not to mention the apprehension faced by our parents (cables on TV's g off, no outings). Finally that is gone by and you end up in a so called prestigious academic institution only to realise that you are expected to study harder.But the recklessness of your age takes over and you realise (or is it believe?) that "this is the age to enjoy". New found freedom, friends and you are on top of the world. A few studs in college do remind you often what you are there for, especially during the semester end. I can bet that only an Indian engineering student can even think about completing an arduous task of skimming through ( get it clear studying, not even reading) 20 to 40 chapters of a complex subject whose title in itself doesnt make the slightest of sense.. Yet scrap through the exams and come out as a bachelor of engineering ; And yes probably I should include that we as engineers have some practical knowledge and look at academics as a way to learn and not read though me make a comedy out of exams :) . All this set and done out of college with full of dreams and aspirations we start pursuing our careers hoping to put our brains into proper use!

Lucky few or probably determined and clear few get to pursue what they would like to be it higher studies or a job profile that would motivate one. But most of 2000's engineers end up at the big software giants (nicknamed as bus companies by us) dreaming of the day of leaving the company the day you enter it! Even then we are determined to put our heart and soul into it and give our best to it (ofcourse for the sake of appraisals and onsite trips :)). Not to forget the concept of bench ! In IT it is always either too much of work or no work at all, both of which are highly irritating and demotivating. But days to pass by and comes the next inevitable thing .. Marriage.. sooner so for girls...

Myriad of things confuse us at this point of time in life... career, studies, marriage, meaning of life.. what not ? But we also do realize that this is the "Golden period" of or life. Not too much of responsibilities.. great friends... do whatever you wanna do (no strings attached!).. How one uses this and shape ones life is at ones own disposal.

So get set to take this phase as it is and get the most out of it !